Studebaker Gravel Guards

Item# Description Short Description Long Price Each
286254X 255, Gravel Guard Set Right & left, rubber: 1947-49 4-door cars $450.00
291876X 877, Gravel Guard Set Left & right; stainless: 1950-51 4-door cars $525.00
291880X 881, Gravel Guard Set Left & right; rubber: 1950-52 4-door cars $475.00
296328X 239, Gravel Guard Set Right & Left; stainless: 1952 cars $425.00

Studebaker Bumpers

Item# Description Short Description Long Price Each
199502 Front or Rear Bumper 1941 Champions (some shelf wear) $450.00
523124 Front Bumper 1948 Commanders (some shelf wear) $350.00
523231U Used Rear Bumper 1948 Champion $100.00
525072U Used Front Bumper 1950 Commanders $100.00
1657064 Front Bumper Zip Van $200.00

Studebaker Bumper Guards

Item# Description Short Description Long Price Each
AC-2202 Grill Guard Kit Front: All 1952 cars $475.00
AC-3516 Bumper Guard Kit Front or rear: 1962-66 Larks; Front only on wagons $75.00
AC-3193 Bumper Guard Kit Right & left, front or rear: 1962-63 Larks, fronts only on wagons $75.00
199570X1U Used Bumper Guard Front center: 1941 Commander & President (needs plating) $65.00
199575X1U Used Bumper Guard Left rear: 1941 Commander & President (needs plating) $65.00
512872X1U Used Bumper Guard Right front: 1941 Commander & President $65.00
516499 Bumper Guard Left rear: 1942 Champions $75.00
519029 Bumper Guard Right rear: All 1947 cars $60.00
519030 Bumper Guard Rear left: 1947 Champion & Commander $60.00
519041 Bumper Guard Right front: 1947 Champions $75.00
520302W Bumper Guard Lower front right: 1947 Commander $75.00
520303W Bumper Guard Lower front left: 1947 Commander $75.00
523261 Bumper Guard Right front: 1948 Commanders $120.00
523262 Bumper Guard Front left: 1948 Commander & Land Cruiser $75.00
523263 Bumper Guard Right rear: 1948 Commanders $75.00
523264 Bumper Guard Left rear: All 1948 Commander & Land Cruiser $75.00
524884 Bumper Guard Left front & right rear: All 1949-50 Commander & Land Cruiser $95.00
524885 Bumper Guard Right front & left rear: All 1949-50 Commander & Land Cruiser $95.00
529436U Used Bumper Guard Right front or left rear: All 1951 cars $55.00
530854 Bumper Guard Front left or rear right: All 1951 cars; Right rear on all 1952 cars (for cars with wing guard kit, but no cross bar) $75.00
531692W Bumper Guard Right front: All 1952 cars $95.00
531693W Bumper Guard Left front: All 1952 cars $95.00
532032W Bumper Guard Right front: All 1953 sedans $125.00
532033W Bumper Guard Left front: All 1953 sedans $85.00
532282 Bumper Guard Right front: 1952 Studebaker cars with winguard & grille bar kit $75.00
532283 Bumper Guard Left front: 1952 cars with winguard & grille bar kit $75.00
534720W Bumper Guard Front right: 1954 Champion & Commander $85.00
534721W Bumper Guard Front right: 1954 Champion & Commander $110.00
770078 Vertical Bumper Guard (molded rubber) Many Avanti II’s $45.00
1539032WX 033W, Bumper Guard Set Right & left front: All 1956 cars; All 1956-64 C-K cars, NOS $250.00
1539910W Bumper Guard Right rear: 1956 sedans $75.00
1542318W Bumper Guard Right front: Accessory on 1957-58 sedans $95.00
1542319W Bumper Guard Left front: Accessory on 1957-58 sedans $95.00
1548308WU Used Bumper Guard Front on all 1959-61 sedans & wagons; Rear on all 1959-61 sedans except wagons $45.00
1554304W Rear Bumper License Plate Guard Right (holds tag light): All 1962-66 Larks $40.00
1554305W Rear Bumper License Plate Guard Left (holds tag light): All 1962-66 Larks $40.00
1554884W Bumper Guard Left front or right rear: 1962-63 Larks; Left front on wagons $40.00
1554885W Bumper Guard Right front or left rear: 1962-63 Larks; Right front on wagons $40.00
1562580W Bumper Guard Right front or left rear: All 1964-66 sedans & wagons $40.00
1562581W Bumper Guard Left front or right rear: All 1964-66 sedans & wagons $40.00

Studebaker Winguards & Related Parts

Item# Description Short Description Long Price Each
AC-3223 Bumper Winguard Set Front or rear: 1963 Larks $50.00
514848 849, Front Bumper Winguard Set Right & left front: 1942 Commander & President; 1942-46 Champion (okay for a driver, plate for show) $100.00
520398 Winguard Right front: 1947-49 Commander (needs plating) $75.00
520399 Winguard Left front: 1947-48 Commander (needs plating) $75.00
520420X 421, Winguard Set Front and rear on 1947-48 Champion, rear on 1947-48 Commander (must drill bumper bar for installation) $200.00
532284 Winguard Right front outer: 1952 cars $45.00
532285 Winguard Left front outer: 1952 cars $45.00
532286 Winguard Right inner: 1952 cars $45.00
532287 Winguard Left: 1952 cars (part of AC-2202 grille bar kit) $45.00
1550098W 099W, Winguard Set Right & left, front or rear: 1962-63 Sedans $45.00
1555098W Winguard Right rear & left front: 1962-63 Larks $40.00
1555099W Winguard Left rear & right front: 1962-63 Larks $40.00

Studebaker Bumper Bolts

Item# Description Short Description Long Price Each
524972 Bumper Bolt Oblong Head: All 1949-66 cars except Avanti *does not include nut $7.95
1541696 Bumper Bolt Round head: Many 1953-64 cars & trucks $2.50

Studebaker Tag Brackets

SP-50048 Deluxe License Plate Frame 1956-66 cars $95.00
256410 License Plate Bracket Rear: All Coupe Express, M-Series & C-Cab pickup trucks $40.00
293071P License Plate Bracket Rear: All 1951-52 sedans $35.00
523531 License Plate Bracket Front: All 1947 Champions; All 1948 Commanders $45.00
532043W License Guard All 1953-54 cars; All 1955-56 2-door wagons $140.00
1350230 License Plate Bracket Rear, stainless: All 1963-83 Avanti $69.50
1542713P License Plate Bracket Front: All 1957 Studebaker sedans $26.50
1544815 Tag Plate Bracket Front: All 1949-56 cars; All 1957-64 Hawks $45.00
1546130P License Plate Bracket Front: All 1958 cars except Hawk & Packard $26.50
1547812W Tag Guard All 1959-61 wagons $95.00
1554303 License Plate Bracket Rear: All 1962-66 sedans $40.00
1685409 License Plate Bracket No further info available call
1695407 License Plate Bracket Front: Most trucks $25.00

Studebaker Bumper Grommets

Item# Description Short Description Long Price Each
287184 Front Fender Grommet Right, to bumper: 1947 Commanders before serial number 4,239,089 $19.50
648258 Bumper Bar Grommet Rear on all 1936-40 cars; Front on all M-Series trucks (use 2) $20.00
770078 Vertical Bumper Guard (molded rubber) Many Avanti II’s $45.00
1350045 Front Bumper Bracket Grommet All 1963-85 Avanti (2 per car) $22.50
1555923 Front Bumper Center Cushion All 1963-83 Avanti $60.00
1555924 Front Bumper Outer Cushion All 1963-83 Avanti (2 per car) $47.50
1555925 Vertical Bumper Cushion Rear: 1963-64 Avanti; Avanti II with chrome vertical guards $45.00
1556198 Bumper End to Body Shim For front or rear bumpers, 1/8 inch thick, rubber: All 1963-83 Avanti $3.50
1556199 Bumper End to Body Shim For front or rear bumpers, 1/4 inch thick, rubber: All 1963-83 Avanti $3.50

Miscellaneous Studebaker Bumper Related Items

Item# Description Short Description Long Price Each
199874 Bumper Bar Spacer Front or rear: 1941 Commanders & Presidents (8 per car) $6.50
290815 Rear Bumper Filler Fastens to body: 1948-49 Champions; 1949 Commander $125.00
291091 Rear Bumper Filler All 1950-52 cars $150.00
291370P Bumper Tube Fin Right: All 1950 Champions $85.00
291371P Bumper Tube Fin Left: All 1950 Champions $85.00
291373P Bumper Tube Fin Left: All 1950 Commanders $85.00
291370PU Used Bumper Tube Fin Right: All 1950 Champions $35.00
291371PU Used Bumper Tube Fin Left: All 1950 Champions $35.00
299057 Bumper Jack Retainer Kit Includes bolt, wingnut & retainer: 1953-55 C-K cars; 1956-64 Hawks; All 1953-55 sedans $22.00
303105P Rear Bumper Filler To rear body panel: 1953-54 C-K cars $85.00
305201 Bumper Shim For 305200: 1954-55 wagons $1.00
305465 Bumper Jack Support Strap 1957-59 Wagons $15.00
308219PU Used Bumper Filler Panel Left: All 1955-64 C-K $25.00
308644P Rear Bumper Filler Center rear: All 1955 sedans $75.00
521362 Bumper Support Bar Inner right front:1947-48 Commander $45.00
523245 Bumper Bracket Inner right front: 1948 Champions $55.00
526024 Bumper Support Bar Inner front: 1950 Commanders and Land Cruisers $65.00
533292 Jack Base 1951-54 Champion & Commander (with square bumper jack) $35.00
679712 Verticle Bumper 1949-53 Trucks models5, 6, 10 & 11 (use 2) $100.00
1312816 Bumper Jack Hold Down Spring All 1956-61 sedans $5.95
1314621 Tailgate Bumper Shim On side: All 1956-59 wagons (use as required) $1.50
1320130 Rear Bumper Splashguard 1957-58 D1 wagons $150.00
1320131 Rear Bumper Filler 1957-58 Studebaker wagons Scotsman $75.00
1320334U Used Bumper Filler Goes between bumper & rear body panel: All 1957-61 Hawks $85.00
1320404 Tailgate & Bumper Splashguard Moulding All 1957-58 wagons except D1 (uses 6) $35.00
1331529 Rear Bumper Filler 1959-60 Wagons $75.00
1336668 Tailgate Side Bumper Pillar end: All 1960-62 Studebaker wagons $7.00
1336669 Tailgate Side Bumper Shim All 1960-62 wagons $1.00
1338574 Rear Bumper Filler 1961-62 Wagons $75.00
1352881 Bumper No further info available $3.00
1353637 Rear Bumper Filler Late 1963-66 Studebaker wagons $75.00
1539125W Bumper End Left: 1956 cars except Hawk $75.00
1550383 Bumper Jack Less base: All 1960 Larks $95.00
1550471X 472, Bumper Jack With Base All 1960-62 Larks $125.00
1551967 Bumper Jack Base All 1961-64 Hawks $45.00
1556191U Used Bumper End Left front: All 1963-82 Avanti (price may vary upon condition) $100.00
1556202 Vertical Bumper Support Rear (L shaped): All 1963-70 Avanti (use 2) $75.00
1556202U Used Vertical Bumper Support Rear: All 1963-70 Avanti $45.00
1556204U Used Bumper Support Bumper to frame, inner right rear: 1963-70 Avanti $50.00
1556205 Bumper Support Bumper to frame, inner left rear: 1963-70 Avanti $75.00
1556205U Used Bumper Support Bumper to frame, inner left rear: 1963-70 Avanti $50.00
1562344 345, Bumper Jack With Base 1963-66 Larks $125.00
1692059P Front Bumper Gusset To frame (flat plate): 1960-61 Studebaker trucks models 5-7 & 10-12; 1962-64 models 5, 7, 10 & 12 (use 2) $18.75
1694440 Front Bumper Gusset To frame (flat plate): 1963-64 trucks models 5, 7, 10 & 12 (use 2) $19.50