Speedometer Pinion Gears

Item# Description Short Description Long Price Each
187575 Speedometer Pinion Gear 24 teeth: 1936 President with 4.7 RA ratio & 16 X 6.50 tire size $40.00
197469 Speedometer Pinion Gear 19 teeth: All 1939-46 Champions less FW OD & 4.10 RA ratio & 16 x 5.50 tires $40.00
197470 Speedometer Pinion Gear 18 teeth: 1939-40 Champion with 4.1 RA ratio $40.00
198516 Speedometer Pinion Gear 13 teeth: 1940 Commander & President with 4:55 RA ratio $40.00
450320 Speedometer Pinion Gear Numerous 1954-56 Packards with 3.54 rear axle $45.00
513462 Speedometer Pinion Gear 19 teeth: 1941-42 President less OD with 4.55 RA ratio; Some 1942 Presidents with OD $40.00
513463 Speedometer Pinion Gear 20 teeth: 1941 President less OD with 4.82 RA ratio; 1941-42 Commander with OD & 4.55 RA ratio; Some M5 Trucks $45.00
515824 Speedometer Pinion Gear 18 teeth: Some 1942 Commander with & without FW-OD (check RA ratios in chassis manual before ordering) $40.00
520087 Speedometer Pinion Gear 15 teeth, 1947-49 Commander applications; Numerous 1949-56 truck applications $52.00
520089 Speedometer Pinion Gear 17 Teeth: All 1947-49 cars with 3-speed or OD & 4.55 or 4.56 RA ratio; All 1951-57 Champions with 3-speed or OD & 4.55 or 4.56 RA ratio; 2E Trucks models 5-12 with 3-speed or OD & 4.89 RA ratio; Other applications $30.00
520090 Speedometer Pinion Gear 18 Teeth: 1947-48 Champions with 4:56 RA ratio; 1950-54 Champions with 4:88 RA ratio & OD; Some M5 trucks $45.00
527383 Speedometer Pinion Gear 1950 Commander with AD & 3.54 axle ratio; E-12 truck with AD & 4.11 axle ratio; other applications $50.00
529060 Speedometer Pinion Gear 18 teeth: 1951-54 Commanders with standard or OD & 4.09 RA ratio; 1955 V-8 with standard or OD with 4.55 or 4.56 RA ratio; 1956-57 V-8 with T85 standard or OD trans & 4.09 RA ratio $35.00
529061 Speedometer Pinion Gear 20 tooth: 1951-55 Commanders with 3-speed or OD & 4.55 RA ratio; 1956 Golden Hawk & all 1957 V-8 with OD & 4.55 RA ratio $41.00
536503 Speedometer Pinion Gear 17 teeth: Numerous 1953-55 applications (check RA ratio before ordering) $25.00
631022 Speedometer Pinion Gear Adapter Multiple M-Series applications, except 3-speed trans (get RA ratio before calling) $35.00
664521 Speedometer Pinion Gear 16 teeth: M15A & M16 Trucks with 4-speed & standard RA with 5.83 ratio; M16 Trucks with 4-speed trans, 2-speed rear end & 6.03 ratio $25.00
664522 Speedometer Pinion Gear 14 teeth: M5 Trucks with 4-speed less OD, 4.85 RA ratio & 6.50-16 tire size; Many M15-M16 trucls less OD with 4-speed & 5.14 or 5.83 RA ratio. $25.00
664524 Speedometer Pinion Gear Most 1941-64 trucks with 4-speed & 15 tooth gear $22.00
665106 Speedometer Pinion Gear 13 teeth: Many applications from M-Series to 8E with 4-speed $50.00
684115 Speedometer Pinion Gear3 1955 model 13 trucks with 5-speed trans, 5.14 R/A Ratio & 7 or 7.5 x16″ tires; Many other applications $35.00
684116 Speedometer Pinion Gear 15 Teeth: $26.00
1541357 Speedometer Pinion Gear 16 teeth: 1956-57 V-8 cars with AD & 3.07 RA ratio $45.00
1544326 Speedometer Pinion Gear 16 teeth: 1956-57 Champions with standard less OD & with 3.54 RA ratio $45.00
1544755 Speedometer Pinion Gear 13 tooth: 1958 cars with 3-speed or OD & 3.54 RA ratio or 3.73 RA ratio & 7.10 tires $45.00
1544756 Speedometer Pinion Gear 14 teeth: 1958 cars with 3-speed or OD & 3.73 RA ratio except cars with 7.10 tires & cars with 3.92 RA ratio with 6.70-7.10 tires $45.00
1544757 Speedometer Pinion Gear 15 tooth: 1958 cars with 3-speed or OD & 4.09 RA ratio except 7.50 tires or with 4.27 RA ratio & 7.10 tires $35.00
1544759 Speedometer Pinion Gear 17 tooth: 1958 Champions with 3-speed or OD (except Y1) & 4.55-4.56 RA or 1959-64 6-cyl cars with 4.56 RA & 6.40-6.70 tires $35.00
1544760 Speedometer Pinion Gear 18 teeth: 1960-61 6-cyl Larks (except Y1) with 3-speed or OD & 3.54 RA ratio & 6.50-6.70 tires; 1960-62 V-8 cars with 3.07 RA ratio or 1962 6-cyl with 3-speed & 3.31 RA ratio; 1962 6-cyl with 3-speed or OD & 3.54 RA ratio & 6.50-6.70 tires; 1963-64 V-8 with 3.07 RA ratio & 6.70 tires; Other applications $28.00
1544761 Speedometer Pinion Gear 19 teeth: 1958 cars with AD & 3.31 RA ratio & 6.70-7.10 tires; 1959-61 6-cyl cars (except Y1) with 3-speed or OD with 3.54-3.73 RA ratio & 6.50-6.70 tires; Numerous other applications $45.00
1544762 Speedometer Pinion Gear 20 teeth: numerous 1958-64 applications $35.00
1544763 Speedometer Pinion Gear 21 Teeth: 1959-66 6-cyl with 4.09 RA ratio; 1958-66 V-8 with 3.54 RA ratio; 1963-64 Avanti with auto & 3.54 RA ratio; numerous other applications $35.00
1546153 Speedometer Pinion Gear 16 tooth: 1958 Y1 Champions with 3-speed trans & 4:09 or 4:27 RA ratio $40.00
1547613 Speedometer Pinion Gear 22 teeth: 1959-66 6-cyl with 4.09 RA ratio; 1959-66 V-8 with 3.73 RA ratio; 1963-64 Avanti auto & 3.73 RA ratio; Numerous other applications, on auto & std trans $42
1547614 Speedometer Pinion Gear 23 teeth: Numerous 1959-66 applications (check chassis manual for more info) $45.00
1547616 Speedometer Pinion Gear 22 Teeth: Numerous 1959-64 applications $45.00
1552104 Speedometer Pinion Gear 1961-62 Y1 6-cyl cars with 3.73 or 4.09 RA & 3-speed trans $20.00
1552105 Speedometer Pinion Gear 1961 6-cyl Y1 with 4:27 RA & 3-speed less OD $20.00
1552964 Speedometer Pinion Gear & Adaptor 16 teeth: 1961-62 V-8’s with 4-speed trans & 3.07 RA ratio $55.00
1554164 Speedometer Pinion Gear 21 Teeth: no further info available $26.00
1555104 Speedometer Pinion Gear 1962-64 6-cyl taxi with standard trans & 3.73 or 4.09 RA ratio $35.00
1555105 Speedometer Pinion Gear & Adapter 19 teeth: 1961-62 V-8 cars with 4-speed & 3.73 RA ratio; Also 1962 V-8 cars with 4-speed & 3.54 RA ratio & 6.50 tire size $53.00
1556037 Speedometer Pinion Gear 19 teeth: All 1963-63 cars with 4-speed & 3.73 rear axle $45.00
1556038 Speedometer Pinion Gear 21 teeth: 1963-64 V-8 with 4.09 RA ratio & 4-speed $26.00
1556039 Speedometer Pinion Gear 17 Teeth: 1963-64 4-speed cars with 4.55 RA ratio & 6.70 tires $35.00
1556040 Speedometer Pinion Gear 16 Teeth: 1963-64 cars with 3.07 RA ratio $45.00

Speedometer Drive Gears

Item# Description Short Description Long Price Each
188348 Speedometer Driver Gear Snap Ring 1941-42 Commander & President less OD; Other applications $5.00
192276 Speedometer Drive Gear All 1938-39 cars less OD except Champion $45.00
512930 Speedometer Drive Gear 5 teeth: All 1941-46 Champion with 4.1 RA ratio $25.00
520082 Speedometer Drive Gear On transmission shaft: 1947-54 Champions except wagon with 3-speed less OD & RA ratio of 4.10 or 4.56 $25.00
520083 Speedometer Drive Gear 1947-50 Commander with 3-speed less OD & 3.54, 4.09 or 4.55 RA ratio; 2R-3R Trucks models 5-7 less OD with 4.09 or 4.27 RA ratio; 2E Trucks models 5 & 10 with 3-speed less OD $20.00
520084 Speedometer Drive Gear 5 teeth: All 1947-50 cars with OD; Many 1955-58 cars with OD; Other applications $25.00
529062 Speedometer Drive Gear 1951-54 Commander with 3-speed (less OD) & with 4.09-4.55 RA ratio; 1955 V-8 with 3.54-4.56 RA ratio; 1956-57 V-8 $30.00
529063 Speedometer Drive Gear Numerous 1955-58 applications $24.50
531040 Speedometer Drive Gear Type C, 6 teeth (automatics only!): 1950-56 Champions with 3.54 & 4.1 RA ratio; 1950-55 Commander with 3.54 or 4.09 RA ratio; 1955 Presidents with 3.54 RA ratio after trans serial #7,001; Other applications $42.00
636131 Speedometer Drive Gear 4 teeth: Many M-series trucks with 4-speed (see notes in parts manual); Other applications $25.00
678975 Speedometer Drive Gear 1949-55 trucks models 5-7 with OD & 4.55 or 4.89 RA ratio; Models 10-12 with 4.857 or 5.57 RA ratio $40.00
684114 Speedometer Drive Gear 1955-56 Trucks models 12, 13, 28 & 68 with standard or OD $25.00
681233 Speedometer Drive Gear All 1949-56 4-speed trucks with helical gear; 1956-64 with Warner gear trans models 13-40; 1957-64 models 5-12 with 4-speed trans $68.50
1544710 Speedometer Drive Gear 5 teeth: 1958 Champion with 4.09, 4.10 & 3.50 RA ratio except Y1 $25.00
1544711 Speedometer Drive Gear Inner, “Type B”: 1958-61 Champion 6 less OD with 4.55 or 4.56 RA ratio except Y1 $23.00
1546047 Speedometer Drive Gear 5 teeth: Numerous applications $30.00
1547568 Speedometer Drive Gear Many 1959-64 with standard or AD $25.00
1550023 Speedometer Drive Gear 7 teeth: 1965-66 6-cyl cars with standard trans less OD with 3.31, 3.73 or 4.09/4.10 RA ratio; 1965-66 6-cyl cars with column shift automatic & 3.31 or 3.73 RA ratio $25.00
1689970 Speedometer Drive Gear Located in transfer case: 1957-61 4X4 trucks with 4-speed trans models 2-3-6-7-11-12-13-14; 1962-64 model 13 $25.00

Related Parts

Item# Description Short Description Long Price Each
130301 Speedometer Drive Pinion Bushing Numerous prewar applications call
527962 Speedometer Gear Housing Gasket To extension case: All 1950-55 Automatics; 1956 Champions with DG trans; 1955-56 trucks $3.50
527963 Speedometer Gear Housing Cover Gasket All 1950-55 Automatics; 1956 Champions with DG trans; 1955-56 trucks $1.25
529830 Speedometer Gear Housing All 1950-55 automatics; 1956 Champions with DG trans; 1955-56 trucks $6.00
529831 Speedometer Gear Housing Cover Plate All 1951-54 cars with automatic transmission $5.25
630744 Speedometer Pinion Extension Shaft M15-M17 trucks with speedometer adapter & transmission parking brake $18.00
666826 Speedometer Drive Pinion Sleeve Various 1941-56 trucks with 2 speed rear end. *See notes in chassis book $19.95
675974 Speedometer Pinion Extension Shaft 1949-56 Trucks models 5, 10 & 15 with 4-speed transmission; 1949-53 Trucks models 16 & 17 with 4-speed trans before serials R16-13,200 and R17-7,200 $25.00
678847 Speedometer Pinion Extension Shaft Numerous 1957-61 Truck applications with 4-speed or 5-speed (check manual before ordering) $25.00
1541093 Speedometer Gear Housing Gasket .009 – .011 thick: 1956-57 automatic cars use as required $5.00
1541094 Speedometer Gear Housing Gasket .0135 -.0165 thick: 1956-57 automatic cars use as required $5.00
1541095 Speedometer Gear Housing Gasket .018 -.022 thick: 1956-57 automatic cars use as required $5.00
1541096 Speedometer Gear Housing Gasket .0225 -.0275 thick: 1956-57 automatic cars use as required $5.00
1544875 Speedometer Cable Seal To transmission, O-Ring: All 1962-64 4-speed cars; All 1958-66 cars $3.00