Clutch Pedals & Related Parts

Item# Description Short Description Long Price Each
195950 Clutch Pedal Plate For activating starter switch: 1939-46 Champions $9.00
197809 Clutch Pedal Bushing 1935-37 Dictator; 1936 President; 1938-40 Commander; 1942 Commander & President (use 2) $8.25
199222 Clutch Pedal Bushing 1941 Commander & President (uses 2) $7.50
510426 Clutch Pedal Shaft Retainer 1937-40 except Champion $4.95
513818 Clutch Pedal Plate For activating starter switch: 1941-42 Commander; 1942 President $11.00
530561 Clutch Pedal Plate For activating starter switch: 1953-54 cars $3.50
532010 Clutch Pedal All 1953-54 cars $40.00
532035 Brake Pedal Shaft Washer Plain: All 1961-64 sedans using 1552305 brake pedal shaft; Other applications $2.25
536147 Clutch Pedal All 1955-58 cars; 1959-64 Hawks with LHC $35.00
666396 Pedal Operating Shaft Lever Rod Spring 17 Coils: All M16 & M17 trucks $5.00
673923 Clutch Pedal Shaft All 1949-64 C Cab trucks $15.00
675775 Clutch Pedal Rod Pedal to operating shaft lever: Some M16 & M17 Trucks $12.00
683833 Clutch Operating Shaft Sleeve All 1955-64 trucks with LHC $15.00
1540227 Clutch Pedal Shaft 1956 Golden Hawk $60.00
1552299 Clutch Pedal Bell Crank Pivot Pin All 1961-64 cars except Hawk; 1963-64 trucks models 5, 7, 10 & 12 $25.00
1564763 Clutch Pedal Operating Shaft Spring Attaches to throw out bearing lever: 1965-66 V-8’s $8.50

Clutch Pedal Pads

Item# Description Short Description Long Price Each
537288 Clutch Pedal Pad All 1955-60 cars with standard trans; 1961-64 Hawk with standard trans; 1961-64 Trucks models 5, 7, 10 & 12 with standard trans $14.50
675269 Clutch Pedal Pad 1939-46 Champion; 1941-42 Commander & President; All 1947-54 cars with standard trans; All M-Series trucks; All 1949-59 C-Cab trucks (2 per car) $15.00
1552334 Clutch Pedal Pad All 1961-66 cars with standard except Hawk; 1963-Early Avanti II with standard; 1963-64 Champ trucks $15.00

Clutch Pedal Adjusting Rods

Item# Description Short Description Long Price Each
519493 Clutch Pedal Adjusting Rod 1947 to early 1950 Champions $18.00
519816 Clutch Pedal Adjusting Rod 1947-50 Commanders $18.00
527872 Clutch Pedal Adjusting Rod Less clevis: 1950 Champion with LHC after South Bend serial #G-574,052 & LA serial #G-871,302 or Canada serial #G-717,327 $18.00
527915 Clutch Pedal Adjusting Rod All 1951-52 cars $24.00
531992 Clutch Pedal Adjusting Rod 1953-58 C-K cars except 1956 Golden Hawk; 1961-64 RHC C-K cars less 4-speed; 1961-64 LHC Cars with 4-speed $60.00
532034 Clutch Pedal Adjusting Rod All 1953-57 sedans & wagons; 1958 sedans & wagons with clevis type end $21.00
636805 Clutch Pedal Adjusting Rod Clevis All 1947-52 cars $15.00
677276 Clutch Pedal Adjusting Rod All 1949-60 trucks models 14-17; 1957-58 models 3, 6 & 11 with 3-speed & LHC $23.00
677277 Clutch Pedal Adjusting Rod 2R-2E Trucks models 5, 10 & 15; Models 6 & 11 with 4-speed; 3E-4E Trucks models 3, 6 & 11 with 4-speed $29.00
681001 Clutch Pedal Adjusting Rod 1954-56 Trucks models 7, 12-13, 28 & 38; 1960-61 Trucks models 13, 28, 40 (LHC) $30.00
1549474 Clutch Adjusting Rod 1960 Larks with standard transmission; 1961-64 Lark types with RHC $28.00
1692178 Clutch Adjusting Rod 1960-62 6-cyl 3-speed Champ trucks $30.00
1698026 Clutch Adjusting Rod 1963-64 Champ trucks models 5-7-10-12 $24.50

Clutch Pedal Return Springs

Item# Description Short Description Long Price Each
197476 Clutch Pedal Return Spring All 1939-40 Champions with LHC $8.25
198877 Clutch Pedal Return Spring All 1941-46 Champions with LHC $6.50
199435 Clutch Pedal Return Spring 31 coils: All 1941-42 Commander & President; Also brake pedal return spring on 1941-42 Commander & President with RHC $6.00
510434 Clutch Pedal Return Spring 1934-35 Dictators $10.00
517404 Clutch Pedal Return Spring Anchor Stud All 1947-52 cars $10.00
517504 Clutch Pedal Return Spring Anchor Stud All 1947-54 cars $6.00
519432 Clutch Pedal Return Spring All 1947-52 cars with LHC $19.50
520383 Clutch Pedal Return Spring All 1947-52 cars with RHC $12.00
531049 Clutch Pedal Return Spring All 1953-54 cars $14.50
536743 Clutch Pedal Return Spring All 1955-58 cars with LHC; 1958 C-K cars with RHC; Also for all 1959-60 cars & 1961-64 cars with LHC; 1960-62 Trucks models 5, 7, 10 & 12 $12.00
667649 Clutch Pedal Return Spring 30 coils: All M5 trucks $9.50
1552360 Clutch Pedal Return Spring 1961-64 cars with LHC except C-K; 1963-64 Champ trucks $18.00